
Food and supplies for your remote cabin >> |
Furnishings, Supplies and Equipment for Remote Homesteads and Property -
The furnishing and supplying of a remote property off or even on the grid can be a daunting task if normal utilities are not already in place, and stores for resupply are not readily available.
Hopefully, the links found on this page will help make the task of equipping and supplying a cabin or remote homestead easier.

Homes and Land for Sale ~ Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Sitka, Kenai, Soldotna,
the Mat Su valley and more remote properties in Alaska plus furnishings, supplies and equipment suggestions for that remote homestead, property or cabin.
Basic Homestead Survival Supplies and Equipment
1. Food and Water (of course, but easier said than done)
2. Generator and/or solar panels of sufficient size to power your basic electrical needs.
3. Basic tools, shovel, rake, axe, duct tape and a chain saw;
4. Gasoline, oil, and/or propane
5. Lantern(s), flashlights and extra batteries, candles
6. Sleeping bags, blankets, etc.
7. Coleman type, 2 or 3 burner dual fuel stove
8. Wood stove
9. Home defense/ hunting weapon & fishing equipment
10. Large size First Aid Kit, cleaning supplies, and water purifier
11. A personal communication device of one kind or another
12. Crank type shortwave radio with cell phone/other charger.
13. Garden seeds and supplies
14. ATV / Snowmobile / Boat or other remote transportation vehicle
15. And of course, a suitable home/cabin for the climate.

For more information on listing your
property in this Alaskan real estate directory,
please contact:
Alaska Internet Marketing, Inc.
.Anchorage, Alaska
Tel: (907) 274-9954
Email: info@alaskaoutdoors.com
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